Latest News

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  • Barnhill Y11 Leavers

    Published 26/07/24

    Y11s put down their pens on the last of their exam papers and are set to enjoy a long summer holiday.  They returned to school on Wednesday 26th June for their final assembly and a shirt signing session and on Thursday 27th June, many students attended the Prom at the Renaissance hotel dressed in their finery.


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  • The DVS Foundation Awards

    Published 05/07/24

    Encouraging sixth form students to strive for success

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  • A Level Artists

    Published 27/06/24

    A Level artists produce impressive artwork

    The Art department welcomed a moderation visit from AQA examiners to review the A level exhibition of students' work.  

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  • Barnhill at the Hillingdon Borough Athletics

    Published 17/06/24

    Our Year 7 and Year 8 students represented Barnhill at the Hillingdon Borough Athletics held in early June. The event provided an excellent opportunity for our students to demonstrate their skills.

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  • Barnhill Celebrates Ofsted Promotion to Outstanding

    Published 10/06/24

    BARNHILL Community High in Hayes is the first Hillingdon secondary school to be upgraded from a Good to the coveted Outstanding rating following an Ofsted inspection in February.

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  • Getting Down to Business

    Published 22/05/24

    Year 12 Finance Studies met Bank of England Ambassadors Ayuj Pathak and Ronan Hewit, who are currently starting a degree apprenticeship with the 300-year-old central Bank of England. Ayuj a local boy, led the presentation on the history of the Bank.  He engaged the students in the stories of his training and linked topics directly to the Finance Course on areas such as monetary policy, inflation targets, interest rates and how the bank is different to the high street bank. Ronan spoke in detail about the importance of people living in the UK and being financially sustainable and how the Bank builds confidence in the economy. Student had the opportunity to speak at length about the job opportunities and to further understand the different degree apprenticeship routes available at the Bank.

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  • Alumni Visit – Law with Liban

    Published 22/05/24

    Armaan, sixth form student, invites a former Barnhillian to return and share his story and success.

    This all came about when Armaan was granted a day off in the autumn term to attend a taster day at a City Law Firm, BDB Pitmans in order to explore and inform his post sixth form decisions and career choices.

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  • A Colourful Culture Day

    Published 22/05/24

    This year the Sixth Form Leadership, supported by Ms Bertin and Miss Taylor, were able to host the biggest scale Culture Day seen so far.

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  • The Power of Debate

    Published 22/05/24

    Year 12s took part in a dedicated enrichment session on the conventions of respectable debating. The focus of the seminar was on how to debate with precision and decorum, whilst maintaining a persuasive tone through the effective use of rhetoric. 

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  • Study Skills Master Class

    Published 30/04/24

    "Pupils achieve well and are exceptionally well-prepared for their next steps." Ofsted 2024

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  • Barnhill Bake Off

    Published 23/04/24

    A Year 10 student won some funding from Jack Petchey which she used to purchase ingredients for a baking event with a small group of Year 10 students. 

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  • Zoo-ology

    Published 22/04/24

    For deep learning day at the end of the spring term the social sciences team took year 11's to Whipsnade Zoo. Many students were excited for the opportunity to take a break from their intensive study and relax before the fast approaching exam season.

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