Getting Down to Business

Year 12 Finance Studies met Bank of England Ambassadors Ayuj Pathak and Ronan Hewit, who are currently starting a degree apprenticeship with the 300-year-old central Bank of England. Ayuj a local boy, led the presentation on the history of the Bank.  He engaged the students in the stories of his training and linked topics directly to the Finance Course on areas such as monetary policy, inflation targets, interest rates and how the bank is different to the high street bank. Ronan spoke in detail about the importance of people living in the UK and being financially sustainable and how the Bank builds confidence in the economy. Student had the opportunity to speak at length about the job opportunities and to further understand the different degree apprenticeship routes available at the Bank.

Kate Dooley General Manager and Production Manager for UK designer Giles Deacon Couture, visited Year 13 A-Level Business students to discuss the UK Clothing industry linking directly with the A-Level Paper 3 pre-release.  She enaged students with her stories of 20 years working in the fashion industry, working with the rich and famous, including working on the manufacture of Pippa Middletons wedding dress.  Students were keen to understand the clothing manufacturing process and the problems faced with attracting and recruiting key garment workers now that the UK has left the EU.  Kate was happy to answer many questions about the industry including those about how to get a career in the clothing industry.