Alumni Visit – Law with Liban

Armaan, sixth form student, invites a former Barnhillian to return and share his story and success.

This all came about when Armaan was granted a day off in the autumn term to attend a taster day at a City Law Firm, BDB Pitmans in order to explore and inform his post sixth form decisions and career choices.

Armaan continues, ‘whilst I was there, I got to networking with a few of the trainee solicitors and found out, to my shock, that one of the trainee solicitors had attended Barnhill too. Liban was the first head boy at Barnhill in 2014 and it was amazing to see how far he’d come. I suggested he came back to Barnhill to talk about the profession and inspire a few more young people, to which he agreed, and it was all arranged with the help of Miss Taylor.

The year 9s, 10s and 11s were all fortunate to have a Q&A session with Liban and his visit finished with a Y12 enrichment session on the Law profession.

Many of the students at the school were inspired and impressed. Our KS4 Pastoral Support Managers, commented:

“This was amazing and students definitely enjoyed it. It was lovely seeing a previous student accomplish so much and come home to share and let others know!"
Ms Connage

"Absolutely brilliant ! Thank you so much for organising. It was so lovely to see Liban again." Ms Dixon

Hopefully, we can arrange many more sessions like these and start putting an Alumni wall together, which Liban has inspired us to create. Perhaps Armaan will be one of them!